Friday, November 13, 2009

EDGE article - The Warriors

I was very lucky to be asked to contribute to an article for EDGE magazine on Rockstar's The Warriors. Like all Rockstar games, it's a very clever title that blends fun gameplay with a story that's reflective on what that conduct really amounts to.

The issue itself, December 2009, covers the growing woes of the Japanese gaming industry as they try to find a new angle on the industry. Previews are all well done, critical when they should be and hopeful at other times. The gloomy quotes from Capcom executives and people inside the industry remind you that everyone is hurting these days.

There's an excellent article on WiiWare games, which frankly for me are hard to keep track of, that highlights some of the better ones. A long article detailing the career of Jordan Weisman, who has been involved with stuff like Mechwarrior to ARG's. I'm also in the company of an amazing retrospective on the under-appreciated Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders, detailing the production process and where the game's lead designer, David Fox, is today.

A column on the uses of actually creating an interactive person in a game by Randy Smith, creator of the superb Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor and N'Gai Croal provides a great discussion on the implications of real world rockstars in our fantasy music games.

It is a real honor to be featured amongst such great work. You should check the issue out if you get a chance.

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